Happy managers are good managers

A recent report published by the Institute of Leadership & Management showed, unsurprisingly, that there is a clear correlation between being happy at work, and performing well. This was particularly true of people involved in managerial positions. Furthermore, all of the lowest performing managers were also the least happy, and many were openly ambivalent about their roll within their organization.
Happiness at work can be a difficult thing to maintain. Managers in particular are often under massive pressure to achieve important goals, and in many cases operate without having the required resources or staff contingent to meet demands. These situations can quickly lead to managers feeling overwhelmed, and eventually despondent. However, there are various ways that managers can overcome these challenges and maintain a positive headspace.
Here are a few pointers:
Be disciplined in managing your workload
Managing a heavy workload is a challenging task, and one which almost all managers will have to face, often regularly. An important skill that every successful manager must have, is the ability to manage this workload effectively. This involves discipline, focus, and effective delegation. Managers should break down their tasks, and must be effective at planning and organising their schedules. Those which are able to stay on top of their workload are far more likely to maintain a positive attitude, and in turn, more likely to perform well at work.
Keep your team happy
According to the Institute of Leadership & Management’s report, managers who said their teams were happy, were much happier themselves. This highlights another important skill which managers must possess: the ability to keep the employees that report to them happy.
Find your optimum stress level
Too much stress usually has a negative effect on an individual’s performance. However, research has shown that not having any stress at all can also be detrimental. Good managers must manage their own as well as their team’s stress levels. 9 out of 10 of the best performing managers in the survey said that their team did experience some levels of stress.
Pay attention to your vision
Good managers work with a vision in mind. They understand where they are, where they need to be, and what they need to do to get there. If you keep this in mind, then you can direct your team more effectively. Effective teams are happy teams, and happy teams are more likely to work productively.